and finally!

Also I manage to finish my 120 pages for the fat book exchange over at the Art Tech Group and mailed them out. Too bad I was missing part of my brain that day, I forgot to take pictures! Can you say C h e m o b r a i n ??? It was like as soon as I got in the car to leave the post office, I looked at Cody, he looked at me like what ma? and there it was OMG I forgot to take a picture of the pages! oh well once I get the fat book I will post pics. I also managed to post on my other blog, small steps for some but, for me lately ....one giant step for da Moon! Ha ha well someone needs a sense of humor around here!
I need to give Honorable Mention to Great Aunt Gerda from Linkoping, Sweden (God rest her soul) for the absolutely gorgeous tatted orange doilies! Aren't they delicious? usually I am not usually an "orange" person but I just love these! Although I don't know why I am not, it is such a happy color.